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Ready To Press(RTP) Powder

Our Ready-To-Press (RTP) powder has been developed over numerous years. We offer all of our standard grades in RTP form, along with custom grades, to match your specification.

Ultra-met’s RTP goes through a rigorous manufacturing process to ensure consistency and quality in every batch.

We are now offering RTP with either cobalt, nickel or a cobalt/nickel hybrid binders. Our RTP is made using a proprietary and environmentally friendly process. Our RTP is made through a water based process and we do not use any volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) to ensure that we are environmentally friendly.

We use our state-of-the-art batch weigh system to ensure consistency between every batch of RTP. We now have two spray dry towers, allowing us to meet your demands quickly.

Ultra-met can also perform small batch grade development, in 5kg, 15kg or 50kg batches.

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